I finally finished that Star Wars afghan for my son. I am so tickled!!! I'm still trying to figure out how it got to be so much smaller at the top than the bottom. Of course,
I was never all that particular about stitch counts on the final rounds of the squares or anything like that, so that's probably the culprit. My son doesn't care. He's been waiting a year for this thing and he is perfectly happy with the way it is. Now I can move on to the baby afghan for my cousin whose wife is due February 4. AHHHH!! I've got to get crackin'!
It's quite obvious that the "force was with you" when you worked on this project! It looks fantastic!
WOW that is one fabulous afgahn!!
I was wondering where did you ever get the pattern for it?
I would love to make this for my brother, even though he is 32 years old!! He has been a star wars buff forever! lol
it really is lovely.
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