Thursday, September 24, 2009

No Crochet!!!!

I can't believe that I still don't have those soda tab necklaces done yet! I haven't been doing my homework at school during my long break between classes, so I have to do it at home and that cuts into my crochet time. I don't do thread work really well at school. I have to pay to close attention when I work with thread and I can't do that at school. I do have a couple more bath sets to do. Maybe I'll take those instead of the soda tab necklaces.

Anyhoo, I've decided to get back to doing homework at school during my long breaks between classes and use the time I have been doing it at home for crocheting. That way, hopefully, I'll be able to get the soda tab necklaces done in the next couple of weeks. It would be great if I could get them done by the Trainfest committee meeting on Monday, but since I've got 8 more to do, I don't think that's going to happen. I do have the original necklace made with sport weight yarn. I'm going to cut those little dears right off of there and use them for thread necklace number 10. I hope to get one done every couple of days. That will put me getting number 17 done in time for me to get them to the council office at the first of the week of Trainfest. I plan on dropping them off when I go to drop off my handouts and stuff to get copies made for my classes. I'm also going to get the bath set done by then for the auction they'll be having at Trainfest.

Wish me luck! I have a feeling I'm going to need it. :)

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