Saturday, March 02, 2013

Happy National Crochet Month!!!

I am so happy it is March! Do I have some projects ready! I am sooooo ready for some quality time with my hooks. Cookie season for Baby Girl's troop is officially over and boy, am I glad!

So for the first day of National Crochet Month I visited the blogs of the day. Great designers' blogs for each day in the month! How exciting!! I found a fun seaming technique new to me on one of them.

On the second day of National Crochet Month I crocheted the first in a set of gaming dice. I was so excited to get one done that I didn't put the numbers on the sides before I put it together. I'll be adding numbers tomorrow. That first is a four-sided die, aka "d4" for those not hip to the gaming vernacular. My plan is to have a whole set of gaming dice by the end of March.

Another project (also a set) is earrings from a kit I got from Mary Maxim . The ones in the picture show earrings made with cream colored thread. I got kelly green! I've made one pair already and they are so pretty I can't wait to get the rest of them made. It came with enough stuff to make a total of 6 pairs of earrings. Most of them have little tiny crystal beads on them and are sparkly as well as being a eyeful of crochet grooviness!

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