Monday, May 16, 2011

New Definitions for Ugly Words

Someone used the work "pimpin' " in a conversation with me a while back in describing some jewelry. I didn't say anything at the time, but now as I've let it stew on the back burner for a while, I must speak out.

I cannot believe that parents do not either pay attention to what their kids are saying or don't care. Words like pimp and 'ho and tramp are not words that should ever be glamorized. As parents we spend all this time and energy in teaching our kids to be independent and empowered. By using these ugly words in this seemingly innocent manner, those who use them are degrading themselves and giving away their personal power. This is equally true for girls and boys. It has more visible effects on the girls. I found a link to an article that puts into words what I have felt for years.

Now, go read that article and I will get off my soapbox :)

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