Monday, December 06, 2010

2010 Winding Down

Well, this year is almost over. My Christmas shopping isn't done, but is planned. I know what I'm getting, when and where. I can move on to the whole resolution making part of the December doings.

My first resolution is to post more often here. I stumble upon it occassionally and realize that it's been 4 months or more since my last post. I have more than that going on usually. Of course that's also one of the reasons I don't post more often. So, anyhoo. I'm going to start blogging more often.

My second resolution is to find some way of getting into healthier habits. I never learned to ride a bike, but I know how to roller skate, love to dance and I have a great neighborhood to walk in. Surely I'll be able to work in something even in the winter! Maybe I'll be able to actually do something besides hand out cups of water at the Thin Mint Sprint in March.

I generally don't like resolutions, but I think that if I look at it as goal-setting instead of resolution making, it won't be so bad :)

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