I love knitting socks! The double point needles were tricky at first, but I got the hang of it. Turning the heel was kind of touch and go. Like the first sock, the mate required lots of frogging and multiple starts. I finished around midnight last night and am so thrilled that I have a complete pair.
I also have to admit that the one pair of crocheted socks I made was not anywhere near as comfortable to wear. It was kind of like walking on coarse grain sandpaper. The knitted ones felt just like store bought socks only softer. I'm going to look into comfortable crochet patterns though. Crochet is faster for me than knitting and the knitting just isn't as relaxing as crocheting and I must say that I would far rather work with 1 hook where I can frog just to my mistake rather than 4 needles where I have to frog the whole thing when I mess up :)