Friday, December 02, 2005

And the envelope says......

After hearing from several of my Crochet Partners, I have decided to go with edging each scarf with the same color and then using that color to join them. It is simple and gives me a way to play with the size. I have also thought about doing a logo panel at one end like dh's Star Wars afghan. If I can find a good copy of the Harry Potter logo, it shouldn't be too hard to transfer it to graph paper for the afghan.

I started the first sleeve to Mama's sweater last night. I think it is going to go pretty quick. I expect to have both sleeves done by the end of next week. That weekend should see the completion of the sweater and the addition of the buttons. After talking to Mama yesterday, I'm thinking of something in bone (well resin or plastic, of course, but bone colored). She doesn't want silver or gold and wood is just not the look I want. I'm very excited about this birthday. I very seldom can get Mama to agree to celebrating, but this year I have the sweater. She has to work on her birthday, but it falls on a Saturday so I can pile all the kids in the car and surprise her at lunch with a special birthday cake and her present all wrapped up. My oldest son helped me come up with the cake idea for my chocoholic mother. We're going to make an eclaire cake, except we're going to use chocolate graham crackers and chocolate pudding instead of honey grahams and vanilla pudding. It kind of locks up my jaw when I think about it, but Mama will like it. I may also help the kids to make some of my son's original Scooby Snacks. They are chocolate wafer cookies sandwiched around chocolate icing or creme, dipped in melted chocolate and rolled in cocoa krispies or cocoa pebbles. Yes, your jaw is locking to and some of you may have queasy stomachs, but Mama loves them. That will be the kids' present to her. She can take them home and eat on them for the rest of the week.

I'll be starting my fudge making pretty soon. I like making fudge. I usually wind up making 2 or 3 different flavors and making up some sampler plates for the boys to take to school for teachers. They have so many teachers each that it's not practical or affordable to buy each and every teacher a gift, but I want them to know that their time and effort with my children is appreciated. I'll be making some extra batches of some of the favorite flavors for friends and family. Baking is another thing I'll be starting on soon. I've got less of that to do than the candy making, but I still want to get started a little early.

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