Friday, July 29, 2005

Relaxing needlearts

It never ceases to amaze me how much better I feel when I am crocheting. I have been working on learning to knit and I find that even that is very relaxing. The in and out of hook or needles is very Zen-like and when I'm working on a familiar pattern (aka Mama's sweater) I can kind of phase out and drift out in space. During a morning of mourning, I have found comfort in going through motions that are so ingrained by now that I could practically do them in my sleep.
While working on my first knitting project (a preemie body warmer), I ran into directions that I couldn't get to sink in. I turned to my Crochet Partners friends and was cheered and heartened by the many fine artist who responded for my plea for help. I am glad to say that I am now confidently working my way through this pattern and I think I may see the completion of it by the end of next week! I have been able to turn to that same group to help me through my most trying times (even though few know how much of a comfort they have been).
On a happier (and crazier) note, I have recently been going over my list of WIPs and WIMs that need to be done in time for the holidays (or before). I am afraid that I am already behind. An afghan I had thought to have finished by now is barely halfway done. Mama's sweater is almost half done and there are many other items I haven't even started yet. AHHH!!!!!! I think that instead of trying to get things completed before I start anything else, is the wrong angle to take. I think I'm going to start a couple of other things so I'll have something to switch off to when I start to get stalled on one. Wish me luck!!!

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