Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm doing the Snoopy dance!

Man oh man, have I had a pretty good couple of days. I recently submitted the pattern for my Angel Square to the Crochet Partners pattern library and there it is big as life and I am so tickled to have my very first design "official". Now for the happy part. The next morning when I checked my email, there was an email from a lady who is a member of HeartMadeBlessings (an organization that makes squares and afghans for various forms of comfort) (THUD) asking permission to post a link to my square to be used by HMB! Wow! I was so flattered and it made me feel so good to think that some deserving person was going to be warmed by a part of me, so to speak. Now, as if that wasn't excitement enough, I get up this morning, check my email and there is a message from Just Plain Fun crochet club (again THUD) informing me that I was a winner in the May raffle! Can one say WOWEEEEE!!! As I have never won anything in my life (except for ten cents that I won from a bottle cap from Tab soda when I was about 9 yo), I was tickled. I even had the option of receiving it via paypal. So now I have $14.05 in my account that I can use on ebay, which is about the only time I ever use paypal.

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