Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ravelry Invite!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

I got my Ravelry invite! Yeah!!!! I was very tickled to get it. I'm still trying to learn the ropes, though. My only completed projects, of course, I have no pictures of. One would think that as many times as that has happened to me, I would remember to take the confounded pictures before I let them go out the door. Oh, well. I'll do that next time :D

I can be found here:

I need to gather all my hooks and needles together since Ravelry has that super hook and needle inventory all set up. I hope to do the same for my stash, too.

I'm off to get some stitching LOL

1 comment:

simply patti said...

I got mine too!!!!

I hope it is as wonderful as everyone has raved...

Blessed Be