Friday, May 12, 2006

New Pics

I finally got pictures from my digital camera to my computer. First is a picture of the Delta crochet flower ornament from the Delta crochet online class at Hass Design. I'm not sure what lesson it's in, but I actually made a couple of others first. This one is the first one that looks like the chart and hence the only one I've actually blocked. I've also completed the coaster and it also looks cool, but I don't have it blocked yet.

The angel square picture is one I made for an exchange partner using some scraps I had received from a new member of one of my exchange groups. I didn't have enough yarn of either color to finish the last round, so after doing some math a couple of times, I used both colors. I didn't think I would like it, but when it was done it was great! I love it when I surprise myself :)

I also have completed my first Heartmade Blessings comfortghan. I was thrilled to be able to do it. I just finished getting it washed and all yesterday and it's going in the mail today. The joining and border don't really show up well on the computer, but it has a little metallic gold thread running through it and really looks glitzy in real life.

My next project isn't really crochet, but it's one I've had waiting for a long, long time. I made a sweatshirt jacket for my sister with handprint angels of both the boys for Christmas one year. I only had the two boys and she loved it. Well, I now have a girl to add and the original shirt has seen some fairly frequent use. So, the shirt needs to be replaced and the baby girl added. The original jacket had gotten lost many moons ago and I just found it last night, so as soon as I find the new sweatshirt, I'll be on my way to replacing it. When I get that done, I'll be getting my brother's Harry Potter scarfghan put together. I did find a HP logo that was large enough for me to copy so I'm going to see if I can graph it out and do a logo panel at the top like the Star Wars one I did for DH and DS #1.

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