Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sharing Crochet

Hi all! I was just catching up on my blog reading and reading Dee's latest article reminded me of my doctor's appointment yesterday. No, not the appointment itself, what happened in the waiting room. Now, I go to the health dept. so I always take crocheting with me since I never know how long I'll have to wait. Usually I get a "oh, that's pretty" or " what are you making" and that's it. Yesterday I met up with a lady who not only crochets and sat trading techniques with me, but also lives in the same town. Small world, huh :) But the highlight of my day came as I sat waiting at the pharmacy end of the building, again, waiting. A lady sitting behind me stood up and leaned over to watch me make a granny square. She said "do you know how to make those little round ones? Do you start with a piece of cardboard or something?" She of course was talking about a yo-yo. So I set down my square, grabbed the other end of the skein and made a yo-yo. When I handed it to her, she said "Yes, that's what I'm talking about! Can I keep this?" I was hard pressed not to laugh out loud. Of course I told her to keep it. She told me she was going to take it home and make some more. She looked to be about the same age as my mama and she was so tickled with that little ole yo-yo. It's amazing that a little thing like that yo-yo could put that big a smile (and that kind of a smile) on someone's face. She acted like I had just made her day. I know it put a smile on my face for the rest of the day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did make that lady's day! What a great way to celebrate crochet! Awesome, Beata!!